Conversion Architecture
What is WSI Conversion Architecture?
A website isn’t just a website. Ever wonder why there is such a price difference between one company and another? Some companies make pretty sites, others make very technical ones. Which is better? You really need one that focuses on your customer, they are the ones who decide how long they will visit your site, what actions they will take on your site and whether or not they will do business with you. Is that important to you? That is where WSI eSolutions can help.
Conversion Architecture starts by defining your business goals and target audience, and then ensuring that every element of your site persuades visitors to take the desired actions.
These elements include:
- Persuasive copy
- Calls to action
- Conversion tools
The guiding philosophy of Conversion Architecture is that all websites must have a persuasive purpose. Building your site with Conversion Architecture in mind will result in more visitors doing what you want them to online – whether that is signing up for a free consultation or buying a new product.